
Product & Industrial Design - Emeco-9.jpg

Chairs, Stools, and Tables.  “Begin with what’s leftover. Turn it into what will last. Pretty much our story.” Emeco just about sums it up on their website. Not a bad place to take a seat. Their furniture is retail available. We recommend investing in a piece of it. Fun Fact, the company started by making the all-aluminum Navy chair for the US Navy still today.

We love that this company uses no VOC’s, the aluminum furniture is 80% made from aluminum cans and metal scraps. It’s PET 100% recycled and recyclable. They are open and honest about their practices and started to measure and declare the C02 emissions of their products. As they say, knowing their carbon footprint is the first step in reducing it. We couldn’t agree more.  Knowledge is power. 




Earth Weave Carpet Mills