ASAP Rating System
Our editorial team has a robust vetting and rating system so you know the companies we list truly understand sustainability and ethical business practices. Explore our gallery of choices and see for yourself. Explore why we have chosen to highlight these businesses and products as a way for you to invest in yourself while making a difference in your everyday life.
To make it to our site, the business has to rate an ASAP score of 4 or more, 5 being the best in the area of business, ethics and design practices.
See below for a few more details on how we rate based on the The Braid of Sustainability consisting of the three strands of Planet, People, & Prosperity.
To achieve ultimate success in sustainability, a balance of the Three Strands is key.
This area is exactly what you think it is: the environmental impact of a business or product. How is the Global Ecosystem impacted? Have the Air and Water Quality been considered? Has Green Energy & Chemistry been explored? Have “Stressors” such as pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions, etc. been considered?
We live in a world where we have to consider Economics. Does a business or product create jobs? Are there incentives built in to make us want to be sustainable?
Supply & Demand - Are we able to impact an increased supply of more sustainable and ethical choices by increased demand? Are the costs positively impacted … real life needs like this make a difference on creating an economy that partners with sustainability and sustainability that partners with economics.
When it comes to sustainability, we look at Environmental Justice.
Is the health of communities considered and protected? Is the health of individuals considered and protected? Are the processes transparent and shared? Are you educating the public about your sustainability and ethical approach? Do you protect, restore and maintain access to basic resources such as food, land, and energy? Is there promotion of the development of sustainable communities?