
Diapers tend to put a lot of crap into landfills. Not with Dyper! Their diaper subscription brings you diapers straight to your door while also giving you a way to send back what you don’t use with their prepaid label if your baby grows out of what you have in stock. If you run out and need a diaper in a pinch, their SOS service can relieve your worries by having diapers arrive at your doorstep within 4 hours. When you’re done with that diaper pail, simply package up the dirty diapers through their REDYPER program and your diapers get picked up to be composted and kept out of the landfills. This sounds like a dream come true for any family in the diaper stage.

Dyper’s diapers are certified plant-based and their subscription service helps make it easy for parents to acquire this major necessity. They’re chlorine-free, latex-free, pvc-free, TBT-free, and have no antioxidants, perfumes, lotions, or phthalates They are certified by Oeka-Tek and their viscose fibers are responsibly sourced from bamboo as well as packed in oxo degradable bags. They are directly helping to move toward reducing the number of diapers thrown into landfills, which currently sits around 18 billion diapers each year. With their carbon offsets for each shipment, Redyper program, and speed of delivery, you can’t go wrong here.


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