“To stand for something, you have to go back to the start.” Our beds embrace us at the end of our day and allow us the chance to emerge and start our day. Coyuchi creates 100% organic cotton threads for us to rejuvenate so we can keep on keeping on. As they say on their site so beautifully, “Unearth your own values from the avalanche of others. Carve your own definitions from widely held schools of thought. Discover how your life isn’t singular but impacts your loved ones, community, the Earth.”
Coyuchi produces their product locally, they are fair trade certified, non-toxicCoyuchi, GOTS, uses organic materials, recycle, a part of 2nd Home Renewal, Fair Trade Exchange, Chetna Coalition, MADE SAFE, and give back 1% for the planet. Their list is extensive and their passion palpable. Everyday items made with intention is how we save our planet and Coyuchi provides exactly that.