For Days

For days has outfits suited for anyone and everyone. Their clothing meets sustainable standards for production while being functional and stylish. They also have a Clothing Swap Called “Take Back Bag.” You choose the size of your bag and for $10 ship them any clothes you’re done using. They’ll be sure it gets reused appropriately and keeps your old clothes out of the landfill while crediting those $10 towards your next purchase with them. They’ll keep you clothed and sustainable…For Days.

For Days uses organic and recycled cottons, 100% recyclable fashion, non-toxic dyes, and zero waste. They believe in “Better clothes for a cleaner planet.” They are a closed loop fashion brand meaning you can send back your used, torn, stained items and gain a credit, what they call closet cash, toward your next purchase. They’re “carefree, not careless.” They know fashion can be a way to build a better future if we’re intentional about how we approach it. 



